
  • 期刊级别:国家级
  • 主管单位:中国科学技术协会
  • 主办单位:中国抗癌协会
  • 国内刊号:12-1431/R
  • 国际刊号:2095-3941
  • 邮发代号:
  • 出版周期:季刊
  • 出版地点:天津市河西区体院北环湖西路天津市肿瘤医院C座综合楼三楼
  • 投稿邮箱:kf@400qikan.com
  • 投稿电话:400-678-4770

《癌症生物学与医学(英文版 )》杂志是由中华人民共和国新闻出版总署、正式批准公开发行的优秀期刊,癌症生物学与医学(英文版 )杂志具有正规的双刊号,其中国内统一刊号:CN12-1431/R,国际刊号:ISSN2095-3941。癌症生物学与医学(英文版 )杂志社由中国科学技术协会主管、中国抗癌协会主办,本刊为季刊,出版地:天津市河西区体院北环湖西路天津市肿瘤医院C座综合楼三楼。自创刊以来,被公认誉为具有业内影响力的杂志之一。癌症生物学与医学(英文版 )并获中国优秀期刊奖,现中国期刊网数据库全文收录期刊。
癌症生物学与医学(英文版 )杂志可以用于正常评审职称加分!可以用与考研保研以及课题申报,均有效!
本站为《癌症生物学与医学(英文版 )》杂志社合作采编中心,具有绿色通道投稿可优先加急录用!

Cancer Biology & Medicine is a peer-reviewed open-access journal of Chinese Anti-cancer Association (CACA), which is the leading professional society of oncology in China. The journal quarterly provides innovative and significant information on biological basis of cancer, cancer microenvironment, translational cancer research, and all aspects of clinical cancer research. The journal also publishes significant perspectives on indigenous cancer types in China. The scope covers the following topics: ● Cancer epigenetics ● Cancer stem cell ● Improved in vivo and in vitro cancer models ● Cancer prevention and epidemiology ● Biomarkers for predicting drug response ● Mechanism of drug sensitivity and resistance ● New approaches for cancer detection and diagnosis ● Oncology clinical trials ● Targeted therapy ● Multidisciplinary treatment for cancer Author benefits: ● Easy online submission via Editorial Manager ● Efficient and professional peer-review by expert referees from around the world ● Rapid pre-print online publication ● No charge for publication and Open Access ● International visibility - the journal is available free online




投稿邮箱:kf@400qikan.com,请注明投稿《癌症生物学与医学(英文版 )》杂志。


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原创资讯2017-01-07 12:20:28

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