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基于花卉信息网站的入侵检测规则设计Design for intrusion detection rules based on flower information websites张玲,王玉洁*,田鹤,郝学颖,孙暖亚ZHANG LING,WANG YUJIE*,TIAN HE,HAO XUEYING,SUN NUANYA
不同植物组织RNA提取方法的比较分析Comparison and analysis of RNA extracting method from different plant tissues王杰,王全,田娜,王瑜,王爱香,张克中,崔金腾*WANG JIE, WANG QUAN, TIAN Na,WAGN YU, WANG AIXIANG, ZHANG KEZHONG, CUI JINTENG*
昆虫材料扫描电镜样品制备技术探讨Preparations of insect specimens for scanning electron microscopy杨 瑞,张玲娜,范敬伟,王建立,房克凤,于同泉,王绍辉,杜艳丽*YANG Rui, ZHANG Lingna, FAN Jinwei,WANG Jianli, FANG Kefeng ,YU Tongquan,WANG Shaohui, DU Yanli*
豇豆荚螟在北京地区红小豆田为害消长规律及药剂防治研究Population dynamics of Maruca vitrata on adzuki bean in Beijing and study on chemical control丁凯,郝少东,王进忠*,濮绍京*,雷广军,郭力,张鹏飞,石小玉,张志勇DING Kai, HAO Shaodong, WANG Jinzhong*, PU Shaojing*, LEI Guangjun, GUO Li, ZHANG Pengfei, SHI Xiaoyu, ZHANG Zhiyong
2种园林用FDR土壤水分传感器的精度校正The Accuracy Calibration of Two FDR soil moisture sensors used in urban landscape孙宏彦,丛日晨,舒健骅,王永格,王茂良*Sun Hong-yan, Cong Ri-chen, Shu Jian-hua, Wang Yong-ge, Wang Mao-liang*
点柄粘盖牛肝菌菌塘中可培养微生物多样性研究Diversity research of the culturable microbes isolated from in the Suillus granulates shiro王明花,张举龙,张国庆,程继鸿,陈青君* WANG MING,ZHANG JULONG,ZHANG GUOQING,CHEN QINGJUN*
苔藓植物双向凝胶电泳蛋白样品制备方法的优化Optimization of sample preparation for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis in bryophytes王文平,杨爱珍WANG Wenping, YANG Aizhen
山桃抗盐碱性评价Evaluationon the resistance of Prunus davidiana (Carr.) Franch to salinity and alkalinity赵丽君,阿布都外力?木米尼,曲艳华,朱立新,贾克功ZHAO Lijun, Abuduwaili?mumini, QU Yanhua, ZHU Lixin, JIA Kegong*
北京都市型现代循环农业发展实践探索Practical exploration of developing metropolitan modern circulating agriculture in Beijing郑文堂,邓蓉,胡宝贵,田淑敏ZHENG Wentang, DENG Rong, HU Baogui, TIAN Shumin(北京农学院,北京102206)
HPLC测定大豆异黄酮适宜试验条件的分析Analysis of the suitable HPLC test conditions for measuring soybean isoflavones张杰,胡家峰,郭远,杨柳,郭蓓,陈学珍,谢皓*ZHANG Jie,HU Jiafeng,GUO Yuan,YANG Liu,GUO Bei,CHEN Xuezhen,XIE Hao*
胡黄连与牛蒡子有效成分对猪磷酸二酯酶7A2活性的影响Effects of fructus arctii and picrorhiza effictive component on porcine phosphodiesterase 7A2 activity付源,李佳,孙胜永,姜代勋*,陈武* FU Yuan, LI Jia, SUN Shengyong, JIANG Daixun*, CHEN Wu*
蕨叶薰衣草‘西班牙之眼’正交栽培试验及光合特性分析The Orthogonal Cultivation Experiment and Photosynthesis Characteristic analysis on Lavandula multifida ‘Spanish Eye’姚爱敏1,陈洪伟1,王玉娟2,周先林3*YAO Aimin1, CHEN Hongwei1, WANG Yujuan2, ZHOU Xianlin3*
现代农业产业技术体系认知度研究The Research on Cognition of Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System刘伟,胡宝贵LIU Wei,HU Baogui
设施蔬菜生长环境管理模型的设计??以韭菜为例Facility vegetable growth environment management model design-case study of leek高阳,徐践*,张娜,李世盛,梁晓彤,葛萌,高超GAOYang 1,XU Jian* , ZHANG Na , LI Shisheng, LIANG Xiaotong , GE Meng , GAO Chao
禽偏肺病毒C型核衣壳N蛋白的哺乳动物细胞表达系统表达及鉴定Mammalian expression and identification of avian metapneumovirus subgroup C nucleocapsid protein禽偏肺病毒C型核衣壳N蛋白的哺乳动物细胞表达系统表达及鉴定Mammalian expression and identification of avian metapneumovirus subgroup C nucleocapsid protein
城市湿地景观提升与恢复设计探析 ??以北京长沟湿地公园设计为例Research of landscape improvement and restoration design for urban wetland ??peking ChangGou wetland park design as an example左小珊ZUO Xiao-shan
公路绿化带对机动车尾气污染的净化作用The role of road green belt in the purification of vehicle exhaust pollution郭永晗1, 金鑫1, 杨鑫1, 蒲逸凡1, 高海波2, 胡增辉1*, 沈应柏3*GUO Yonghan1, JIN Xin1, YANG Xin1, PU Yifan1, GAO Haibo2, HU Zenghui1*, SHEN Yingbai3*
百合单萜合成酶基因的克隆与序列分析Molecular cloning and characterization of monoterpene synthase gene in Lilium flowers李天娇a,冷平生a,*,杨凯b,郑健a,胡增辉aLI Tianjiaoa, LENG Pingshenga,*, YANG Kaib, ZHENG Jiana, HU Zenghuia
基于OsGS5的玉米同源基因ZmGS5的克隆Cloning of homologous geneZmGS5-1in maize based on OsGS5李彩云,孔曼丽,孙清鹏,卢敏,王维香,潘金豹,韩俊*LI Caiyun, KONG Manli, SUN Qingpeng, LU Min, WANG Weixiang, PAN Jinbao, HAN Jun*
非洲紫罗兰F3“5“H基因的克隆及烟草的转化分析Cloning of flavonoid-3“,5“-hydroxylase gene in Saintpaulia ionantha and expression analysis of transgenic Nicotiana tabacum焦阳,陈洁,贾海燕,张克,杨凯,王文和JIAO Yang, CHEN Jie, JIA Haiyan, ZHANG Ke,YANG Kai
枣疯病植原体越冬后向枣树不同类型新生组织转移特性研究Studies on migration characters of jujube witches’ broom phytoplasma into newborn tissues of jujube after overwinter石小玉1, 郝少东1,王合2,陶万强2,杨宝东1,张志勇1,薛正1,孙淑玲1,王进忠1*SHI Xiaoyu1, HAO Shaodong1, WANG He2 , TAO Wanqiang2, YANG Baodong1, ZHANG Zhiyong1, XUE zheng1, SUN Shuling1, WANG Jinzhong1*
北京地区双翅目(Diptera)丽蝇科(Calliphoridae)麻蝇科(Sarcophagjdae)蝇科(Muscidae)名录A Checklist of Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae and Muscidae (Diptera) in Beijing陈禄仕1,朱光辉2CHEN Lushi, ZHU Guang-Hui
浙江省食用菌重金属污染的风险评价Risk assessment of heavy metal pollution in edible fungi in Zhejiang Province陆剑飞,梁赤周LU Jian-fei,LIANG Chi-zhou
北京地区花生高产栽培技术体系的创建High-yield cultivation technology system of peanut in Beijing王忠义,李 雁,聂紫瑾,田 满,李仁昆WANG Zhongyi, LI Yan, NIE ZHijin, TIAN Man, LI Renkun
狭叶薰衣草和甜薰衣草DUS筛选性状的比较与分析Comparison and analysis of DUS screening traits in Lavandula angustifolia and L. intermedia庄笑宇,沈 漫*,秦 岭ZHUANG Xiaoyu, SHEN Man*, QIN Ling
桃蛀螟各虫态形态学特征观察A preliminary observation of the morphological characters of different stages of Conogethes punctiferalis (Guenée)艾鹏鹏,杨瑞,张民照,孙淑玲,杜艳丽*AI Pengpeng, YANG Rui, ZHANG Minzhao, SUN Shuling, DU Yanli*
亚洲玉米螟对不同玉米品种的取食选择及其中肠酯酶活性反应Feeding selection for different maize varieties and responses of midgut esterase activity of Ostrinia furnacalis (Guenée)杜艳丽,宋春辉,孙淑玲,张爱环DU Yanli, SONG Chunhui, SUN Shuling, ZHANG Aihuan
鲜切生菜供应链温度波动与微生物含量变化Correlation analysis of temperature fluctuation and microbial content changing in the fresh-cut lettuce supply chain郭光辉1,谭锋1*,James M. Monaghan2,郭茜1,唐雪婷1,侯茂书1GUO Guanghui1,TAN Feng1*,James M. Monaghan2,GUO Qian1,TANG Xueting1,HOU Shumao1
不同类型叶用莴苣类胡萝卜素含量的差异性分析Analysis of differences in carotenoid content in different types of leaf lettuces郝敬虹,景睿,苏贺楠,刘慧,韩莹琰,刘超杰,范双喜*HAO Jinghong, JING Rui, SU Henan, LIU Hui, HAN Yingyan, LIU Chaojie, FAN Shuangxi*
不同品种紫叶生菜花青素含量及其抗氧化性分析The anthocyanin content and antioxidant analysis of different varieties of purple lettuce郝敬虹,赵猛,刘慧,苏贺楠,刘超杰,韩莹琰,范双喜*HAO Jinghong, ZHAO Meng, LIU Hui, SU Henan, LIU Chaojie, HAN Yingyan, FAN Shuangxi*
北京门头沟区京白梨与樱桃病虫害预测平台的构建Theconstruction of disease and pest forecast platform of pear and cherry in Mentougou District of Beijing刘春花,徐践*,张娜,李世盛LIU Chunhua,XU Jian*,ZHANG Na,LI Shisheng
转TGEV-S基因玉米中目的基因的PCR检测及条件优化PCR detection of the target gene in transgenic maize derived spike glycoprotein gene of porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus覃湘婕1,2,周宏专2,3,杨兵2,徐福洲2,薛静2,张晓东2,王金洛2*TAN Xiangjie1,2,ZHOU Hongzhuan2,3,YANG Bing2,XU Fuzhou2,XUE Jing2,ZHANG Xiaodong2,WANG Jinluo2*
曲酸对鲜切马铃薯与莲藕的褐变及其相关酶活性的影响Role of kojic acid in changes of browning and activities of its related enzymes from sliced Potato and Lotus王擎,张海英,李红卫,韩涛*WANG Qing, ZHANG Haiying,LI Hongwei,HAN Tao*
山药蛋白酶解液的分离纯化Isolation and purification of enzymatic hydrolysis from chinese yam protein徐梦辰,丁轲,吕莹,韩涛*XU Mengchen, DING Ke, LU Ying, HAN Tao*
北京松山自然保护区卷蛾科昆虫名录初报Preliminary report on catalogue of Tortricidae from Songshan natural reserve in Beijing张磊,王胤,张爱环*,杜艳丽,徐澍,方月,李延奎,李银鸽ZHANG Lei, WANG Yin, ZHANG Aihuan*, DU Yanli, XU Shu, FANG Yue, LI Yankui, LI Yinge
屎肠球菌细菌素Enterocin E9 SPE/HPLC分离纯化方法的建立Purification of enterocin E9 from the cultivation supernatant of Enterococcus caesium by SPE/HPLC鲍宇晖,张永红,王建舫,李佳,崔德凤*,马梦,王惠川*BAO Yuhui,ZHANG Yonghong,WANG Jianfang,LI Jia,CUI Defeng*,MA Meng,WANG Huichuan*
农药废水降解技术的比较研究及优化分析Comparative study and technical optimization of pesticide wastewater degradation朱洪ZHU Hong
外源氯化钙对高温胁迫下叶用莴苣种子萌发及生化特性的影响Effects of exogenous CaCl2 on seed germination and biochemical properties in seedlings of Lactuca Sative L. under high temperature stress康杰,张婷婷,谷建田*KANG Jie, ZHANG Tingting,GU Jiantian*
延庆县观赏及食用向日葵品种的评价与筛选Selection and evaluation of edible sunflower varieties in Yanqin g李勋1,赵岩2,聂紫瑾1,王忠义1,时祥云2LI xun1, ZHAO Yan2, NIE Zijin1, WANG Zhongyi1, SHI Xiangyun2
IL-8基因沉默后猪血管内皮细胞相关细胞因子表达的变化Effects of IL-8 silencing on secretion of related cytokines in porcine vascular endothelial cell张建?,何 乐,邹战明,李焕荣*ZHANG Jianyang,HE Le,ZOU Zhanming,LI Huanrong*
间歇浸没式生物反应器快繁草莓脱毒苗的参数Micro-propagationof Fragaria×ananassa Duch.‘Benihoppe’: optimization of process parameters in temporary immersion bioreactors system张乔丽a,邵 微a,高利梅a,姚允聪a,姬谦龙a,b?ZHANG Qiaolia, SHAO Weia, GAO Limeia, YAO Yunconga, JI Qianlonga,b?
京郊蔬菜重金属含量特征及安全评价Concentration analysis and health risk assessment of heavy metals in vegetables of Beijing suburban杜景东,高 凡,王敬贤,罗玉婷,李 丹,高 旭,贾月慧*DU Jingdong, GAO Fan, WANG Jingxian, LUO Yuting, LI Dan, GAO Xu, JIA Yuehui*
观赏海棠新品种‘红石榴’的选育与品种特性The breeding and varietal characteristic of a new crabapple cultivar ‘Hongshiliu’韩莹倩,罗蕊,张杰,姚允聪*HAN Yingqian,LUO Rui,ZHANG Jie,YAO Yuncong*
北京密云县发展农业文化创意产业的研究On the development of agricultural cultural and creative industries in Miyun county in Beijing蒋和平1,江 晶2,王有年2*JIANG Heping1, WANG Younian2, JING Jing2*
臭氧水去除大白菜中百菌清残留的研究Removal of chlorothalonil residue in cabbage treated by ozone solution李 南,赵建庄,贾临芳,吴昆明*LI Nan, ZHAO Jianzhuang, JIA Linfang, WU Kunming*
中国农产品追溯法律制度探析On legal system of agricultural products traceability in China李向楠,佟占军* LI Xiangnan,TONG Zhanun*
草莓不同组织RNA提取方法的改良研究Improvement of RNA extraction method from strawberry different tissues刘建,沈元月*LIU Jian , SHEN Yuan-yue*
基于WSN智能温室实时监控与决策支持系统设计Real-time monitoring and assistant decision-making system for intelligent greenhouse based on WSN刘莹莹LIU Yingying
不同栽培基质对耐热白桦生长的影响The effect of different cultural mediums on the growth of heat-resistant Betula platyphylla王永格, 卜燕华, 李子敬, 丛日晨WANG Yongge, BU Yanhua, LI Zijing, CONG Richen
国内外设施农业发展的比较A comparative research on the facility agriculture development at home and broad徐茂1,邓蓉2*XU Mao, DENG Rong
烟草4CL与虎杖STS融合基因的构建、表达及融合蛋白纯化Construction, expression of Nt4CL::PcPKS5 fusion gene and purification of the fusion protein杨亚东,郭辉力,刘文彬,杨明峰,马兰青*,王有年*YANG Yadong,GUO Huili,LIU Wenbin,YANG Mingfeng, MA Lanqing,WANG Younian *
北京乡村旅游与创意产业互动发展研究Research on interactive development of rural tourism and creative industry in Beijing张 硕1,吴上上2,陈跃雪1*ZHANG Shuo1, WU Shangshang2, CHEN Yuexue1
杏鲍菇渣与鸭粪联合高温堆肥发酵参数研究Study on the fermentation parameters for aerobic co-composting of Pleurotus eryngii residue and duck manure张菲菲a,高程达b,王红利a,王顺利b,刘悦秋a,刘克锋a,b*ZHANG Feifeia, GAO Chengdab,WANG Honglia,WANG Shunlib,LIU Yueqiua,LIU Kefenga,b*
5种食用豆及其配比组合抗氧化性研究Antioxygenic Activity Studies on Mixed Grain Powderys of Five Grain Legumes张昊琳,邓媛媛,雷广军,蒋晓春,濮绍京*ZHANG Haolin, DENG Yuanyuan, LEI Guangjun, JIANG Xiaochun, PU Shaojing*
膜荚黄芪(Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch) Bunge)组织培养再生体系的建立Establishment of regenerated plantlets system from callus of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch) Bunge张强,于亚军,贾岭,冷新,刘筝,张晓敏,范胜南,赵东利*ZHANG Qiang, YU Yajun, JIA Ling,LENG Xin, LIU Zheng, ZHANG Xiaomin, FAN Shengnan, ZHANO Dongli*
草莓果实cDNA文库的构建及鉴定Construction of a cDNA library of straberry fruit张少会,沈元月*ZHANG Shaohui,SHEN Yuanyue*
浅析山西古代私家园林的历史发展和造园意匠Introductionto the historical development of Shanxi ancient private gardens and landscape design张艺? , 付 军*ZHANG Yili, FU Jun*
一株抗逆性凝结芽孢杆菌的分离与鉴定Isolation and identification of a Bacillus coagulans with stress resistance赵文龙1,2,王龙3,张永红1*,鲍宇晖1,嘤小宁1,崔德凤1*ZHAO Wenlong1,2, WANG Long3, ZHANG Yonghong1*, BAO Yuhui1, XiXiaoning1, CUI Defeng1*
诃子中总多酚粗提取工艺及药理作用研究Research on the process of polyphenols crude extract from terminalia and its pharmacological effect种新禄1,侯晓林1,陈佳佳1,程 鹏1,于晓红1,刘晓曦2,刘凤华1*CHONG Xinlu1, HOU Xiaolin1, CHEN Jiajia1, CHENG Peng1,YU Xiaohong1, LIU Xiaoxi2, LIU Fenghua1*
芪参口服液的定性鉴别Qualitative identification of qishen oral solution王建舫,李 佳,崔德凤,张涛,穆 祥* WANG Jianfang,LI Jia,CUI Defeng,ZHANG Tao,MU Xiang*
个体农民创新的发生机制?基于宁夏盐池的案例研究Mechanism of individual farmers’ innovations?case study in Yanchi County, Ningxia Region陈 莉1,左 停2,李风阳3CHEN Li1, ZUO Ting2, LI Fengyang3
湖南浓香型产区烟叶口感特性感官评价Sensory evaluation on taste characteristics of tobacco leaves from burnt-sweetness type tobacco-growing areas in Hunan province邓小华1,2*,邓井青1,周清明1,肖春生2,3,彭曙光2,3,胡日生2,3,丁彦1 DENG Xiaohua1,2*, DENG Jingqing1,ZHOU Qingming1, XIAO Chunsheng2,3, PENG Shuguang2,3,HU Risheng2,3,DING Yan1
农村基础设施建设与运行管理研究综述Review of rural infrastructure construction and operation management侯军岐 HOU Junqi
工业废弃地景观改造方法研究Methods of landscape transformation on industrial wasteland姜鑫莉,王先杰*Jiang Xinli,Wang Xianjie*
新中式景观风格特征及应用研究Characteristic and application of the New Chinese Style解 辉, 付 军*XIE Hui,FU Jun*
北京市社工专业人才流失问题研究Study on the attrition problem of professional social workers in Beijing罗丽娅1,李若?2LUO Liya,LI Ruoyang
综合性公园老年人活动空间设计Study on the planning and design of the elderly activity space in the synthetic park宋艳霞,王先杰*SONG Yanxia,WANG Xianjie*
北京市集体林地委托流转制度分析?以平谷区为例On the system of collective forest land circulated in form of trust in Beijing罗 丽,桂 琳,何忠伟*LUO Li, GUI Lin, HE Zhongwei*
营城建都滨水绿道开放空间景观构成调查与分析Yingchengjiandu greenway open space landscape composition investigation and analysis王洪艳,王树栋*WANG Hongyan,WANG Shudong*
低温下大肠杆菌在生菜汁中的生长E. coli growth in lettuce juice in low temperature易欣欣1a,段慧霞1a,侯茂书1b,曾恋之1a,James M. Monaghan2,谭 锋1b*YI Xinxin1阿, DUAN Huixia1a, HOU Maoshu1b, ZENG Lianzhi1a, James M. MONAGHAN2, TAN Feng1b*
基于视觉角度的北京地区城市道路景观绿化设计研究Beijing urban road landscape planting design studies from visual perspective吴幼初,付 军*WU Youchu,FU Jun*
地域性因素影响下的北京商业街区景观研究Influence of the regional Factors on the landscape of Beijing commercial districts姚方,王先杰YAO fang, WANG xianjie
乡村旅游专业合作社的服务成效研究?以密云石塘路村民俗旅游专业合作社为例 Service effect on the rural tourism specialized cooperatives?a case study of Shitanglu village in Miyun County黄凯 ,张二静HUANG Kai, ZHANG Erjing
日本肉牛产业现状及补贴政策分析Analysis of current situation and subsidies of Japanese beef industry孙 静,何忠伟*SUN Jing, HE Zhongwei*
薄荷和留兰香香气成分的分析与比较Analysis on aroma components of Mentha haplocalyx and M. Spicata李小龙, 段树生2, 胡增辉1, 冷平生1*, 张 宏2, 秦永胜2, 李 力3 LI Xiaolong1, HU Zenghui1, LENG Pingsheng1*, DUAN Shusheng2, ZHANG Hong2, QIN Yongsheng2, LI Li3
温度对等钳蠊螨捕食腐食酪螨效率的影响 Effects of temperature on the predatory efficiency of Blattisocius dentriticus to pest mite, Tyrophagus putrescentiae郭 蕾1,2?,郑大睿3,吴洪基3GUO Lei1,2*,ZHENG Darui3,WU Hongji3
试论中国休闲农业发展中的鹿文化挖掘On exploring deer culture of leisure agriculture industry development in China邓 蓉,郑文堂,胡宝贵,华玉武DENG Rong, ZHENG Wentang, HU Baogui, HUA Yuwu
北京城乡家庭鸡蛋购买行为特征分析Behaviour feature analysis on egg purchase of the urban and rural families in Beijing李宗泰,郑春慧 LI Zongtai,ZHENG Chunhui
4种化合物对离体培养二色胡枝子组织分化的影响 Effects of four chemicals on tissue differentiation in in-vitro culture of Lespedeza Bicolor tissue differentiation刘 雯,杨晓红*,唐琳,解小娟LIU Wen,Yang Xiaohong*,LIN Tang,XIE Xiaojuan
北京农科城驱动产业融合发展实践与成效分析On the industrial convergence practice of Beijing Agri-science-city刘 娟1,龚 晶1,张晓华2 LIU Juan1,ZHANG Junfeng1,ZHANG Xiaohua2
SSR分子标记鉴定小豆F1真假杂种刘俊睿,谢梦娇,闫 龙,李 晗,杨 凯,孙新展,张 运,牛 晓,孙东京,李永强,万 平? LIU Junrui,XIE Mengjiao, YAN Long,LI Han,YANG Kai,SUN Xinzhan,ZHANG Yun,NIU Xiao,SUN Dongjing,LI Yongqiang,WAN Ping*
东北山樱桃对根癌病的抗性评价 Resistance evaluation on Cerasus sachalinensis Kom.to crown gall disease曲艳华,赵丽君,阿布都外力?木米尼,罗 磊,朱立新*,贾克功* QU Yanhua, ZHAO Li jun, Abuduwaili?mumini, LUO Lei, ZHU Li xin*, JIA Kegong*
游客需求的城市森林公园游憩空间选择On urban forest park recreation space selection research based on the tourist demand王?涵,马晓燕*,冯 丽*WANG Peihan , MA Xiaoyan* , FENG Li*
基于灰色关联分析北京会展经济影响因素及发展研究Analysis of factors affecting exhibition economy and its development in Beijingbased on the grey correlation孙 曦SUN Xi
农产品物流配送中心的选址模型构建及其应用 Location model construction for agricultural products logistics distribution center and its application孙曦 SUN Xi
畜禽中药添加剂药效学评价方法Brief advancement of the research on traditional medicine颜亭玉a,于晓红b,陈佳佳b,王惠川a*YAN Tingyua,YU Xiaohongb,Chen Jiajiab,WANG Huichuana*
固定化苏云金芽孢杆菌转化生产L-鸟氨酸Production of L-ornithine by the immobilized cells of Bacillus thuringiensis易欣欣1,高秀芝1,陈毅明2,张 骁2,张 鹏2YI Xinxin, GAO Xiuzhi, CHEN Yiming, ZHANG Xiao, ZHANG Peng
GM(1,1)模型的中国农业经济发展趋势分析Trend analysis of agricultural economic development based on GM (1, 1) model张超锋1,周云2*ZHANG Chaofeng1, ZHOU Yun2*
南阳市引进现代月季资源生物学性状调查与分析Investigation and analysis of biological characteristics of modern roses introduced in Nanyang张 杰1,冯 慧2*,周 燕2,卜燕华2,苏金乐1*ZHANG Jie1 ,FENG Hui2*, ZHOU Yan2,BU Yanhua2 ,SU Jinle1*
自然发酵和接种植物乳杆菌发酵干香肠香味成分分析Comparision of aroma compounds in naturally fermented and inoculated sausage张艳艳,徐艺青,王宗义,黄漫青,艾启俊,徐文生ZHANGYanyan,XU Yiqing,WANG Zongyi,HUANG Manqing,AI Qijun,XU Wensheng
北京近郊城中村失地农民可持续生计研究Research on sustainable livelihoods of land-lost peasants in urban villages in the inner suburbs of Beijing朱雅迪,韩 芳*ZHU Yadi, HAN Fang*
地方农业院校服务现代农业增强农村发展活力的路径探索?基于北京农学院发展的思考郑文堂,高建伟,华玉武ZHENG Wentang, GAO Jianwei,HUA Yuwu
邵阳植烟土壤pH时空特征及其与土壤养分的关系pH spatial-temporal characteristics of Shaoyang tobacco-growing soils and their relations with nutrients邹 凯1 ,邓小华2*,李永富1,于庆涛1,戴勇强1,肖志强1Zou Kai1, Deng Xiaohua2*, Li Yongfu1, Yu Qingtao1, Dai Yongqiang1, Xiao Zhiqiang1
消费者对于餐饮业食品安全的态度和感知的研究??以北京城市居民为例Research on urban consumers’ attitudes and perception on food safety in the catering industry in Beijing成黎成黎,董安然,纪 元CHENG Li, DONG Anran, JI Yuan
蔬菜生产者认知行为的影响因素分析 -基于山东寿光的安全生产调查朱智林,杨为民,陈 娆


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