
时间:2013-08-28 11:38:33 来源:论文投稿

  中图分类号:B821;C913 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1671-1254(2014)02-0026-09 
  An Overview on Happiness Theory 
  CAI Chun-ling 
  (Faculty of Social Sciences, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, Yunnan, China) 
  Abstract:Happiness research is a hot issue being discussed in depth in academia nowadays. Its research category mainly involves basic theory research and special subject research. The former mainly includes the definition of connotation, essential attributes, structure elements, meta-theory doctrine, and the latter covers happiness feeling, happiness view, happiness index, national happiness, happiness of people’s livelihood, happiness paradox, happiness problem, attribution of the happiness problem, path to realize happiness. They both present sort of reality, diversity and empirical features about the happiness research, and yet what needs to be probed deeply and further are the mechanism of the happiness factors, the special differences of the happiness constitution, and the innovative practice of the happiness research. And at the same time, more developmental room has been left for the theoretical innovation, methodological breakthroughs and practical application of the happiness research. It is the striving orientation and the fundamental mission of the innovation of the eudemonics research with Chinese characteristics to set up the evaluation index system of happiness with Chinese characteristics and form the theory system of the eudemonics of chinization, localization, characterization by drawing lessons from the foreign research results and taking into consideration of China’s realities. 
  Keywords:eudemonics; happiness problems; happiness index; happiness paradox; happiness evaluation 

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